Rio Vista City Boat Launch Re-Opens

Mark your calendars for April 8th at 2:30 PM.  Come by and watch the ribbon-cutting ceremony and join the celebration for the newly rebuilt City of Rio Vista boat launch.  The entrance to the parking lot is located downtown at Montezuma and South Front Street.

The old boat launch (built in the 1960s) needed extensive repairs.  Instead of patching it up, the Rio Vista Public Works Department, headed by Director Robin Borre, secured a $1.2 million grant to replace the launch entirely.

The old facility was closed in mid-2020 so that new construction could begin.  Despite COVID-19, the boat launch is re-opening right on schedule.   Rio Vista’s central location makes our facility popular with boaters from Sacramento to the Bay Area, and daily use fees provide a welcome source of income for the city.  It is estimated the launch serves over 5,000 customers each year, with those customers contributing to the downtown economy and city revenues as well.

We now have a first-class facility available for summer boaters and fishermen.  Those participating in the 2021 Bass Festival will especially appreciate the new boat launch.  This year’s Bass Festival is October 8-10 and is expected to play host to upwards of 20,000 guests during its 3-day run.