2023 Rio Vista Isleton Club Holy Ghost Festa

2023-2024 Senior Queen is Kailani Butcher.

The 124th Rio Vista Isleton Club Holy Ghost Festa will be held Sunday August 6th. The Holy
Ghost Festa is a celebration of Queen Isabella feeding the poor and caring for her people in
their time of need. What makes the Holy Ghost Festa possible are the families, the supporting
communities, and friends.

This year’s 2023-2024 Senior Queen is Kailani Butcher. Kailani is the daughter of Andrea andTyrone Butcher of Walnut Grove. Kailani is the great granddaughter of Shirley Silva. Shirley has
had 11 granddaughters and 3 great granddaughters represent the Rio Vista Isleton Club Holy
Ghost as Queens since 1978. Henry Ritter will be Kailani’s escort.

Representing Queen Isabella, is Presley DaCruz. Presley is the daughter of Barry and Lisa
DaCruz. The DaCruz family has prepared the traditional sopas for many years.
Jessie Penick-Ritter is the Rio Vista Isleton Club Holy Ghost Chairperson. Jessie’s dedication
to preserving her Portuguese heritage and that of others, reflects in the Festa. Jessie spends
time connecting with the Portuguese communities around the Sacramento and San Joaquin
area. She has earned the respect of our donating cow community. She is a true treasure to our
club and the Delta community.

Sunday August 6th, the Festa will commence at 10:30 am with the parade. The parade will
showcase the Queens of all the clubs around the valley and a float for Queen Isabel. The
parade promenades to St. Joseph’s Catholic Church where mass will take place, beginning at
11:30 am. The first public feeding of the traditional Portuguese dish, sopas, cooked to perfection
by the DaCruz family, will be served at 10:30 am. We will have linguica sandwiches,
sweetbread, a twister game for the kids, and Avila Imports Portuguese vendor.

Please join us to celebrate the 124th Rio Vista Isleton Holy Ghost Festa. Lunch is on us!