Rio Vista Delta AFS Chapter is looking for Host Families

Photo by Jaime Lopes on Unsplash

Rio Vista Delta AFS Chapter is looking for Host Families for next school year 2020-2021. Now with the uncertainty COVID-19 has placed on the world, it is more important than ever to get to know and understand the people in our world. If you have ever considered hosting now is the time to act.

Typically the students arrive in mid August and stay until after graduation in June. AFS approves almost any family configuration – single parent, traditional two parent, young children, or no children.

The main stipulation is that the student have their own bed and not share a bedroom with more than one other person of the same gender. Plus they need a quiet place to study and three meals a day.

Meet Claudia from Austria.

She is described as happy, reliable, and self confident. She loves sports, and her teachers describe her as a team player.

Meet Enzo from France.

This resourceful young man is at home in the kitchen, in the swimming pool, and on the archery field. He likes to laugh with his friends and is motivated by science subjects.

Meet Lotte from Norway.

She’s a sporty young woman who enjoys skiing, hiking, and running. A bit on the shy side but likes hanging out with friends.

Meet Tomas from Mozambique.

He enjoys meeting and connecting with people. Basketball is his favorite sport & he enjoys watching NBA games.

We have applications arriving daily from around the world, and these students are anxious to get to know their American families. As soon as the paperwork is done and the background checks completed, you may begin communications and getting involved in the student’s life.

Hosting enriches the life of a student beyond belief, but the rewards gained by the host family are too numerous to mention. If in doubt contact any former or current host family – the Tony Coito family, the Chris Mingay family, the Warren Gomes family, to mention only a few. If you are even a little bit interested go on line:, click on hosting and check out the possibilities or give Natalie Crew 707-373-5780 a call, and she will assist in any way possible. Now’s the time to get involved if you’ve ever even remotely considered learning about the world around us.