OP-ED: Letter to the Editor

Mike Warr

Photo by Jason Rosewell on Unsplash

Dear Editor

This is a response to my friend Hans Slade’s July 8, 2020 letter to the editor.

Hans, I found your long list of statements I “must agree” with and worry about as a Democrat quite interesting.  You obviously do not have a high opinion of what Democrats stand for and, in many instances, you totally misrepresent their position with a number of statements on your list.  While you obviously and strongly support re-electing Donald Trump, which is certainly your right, here are the things I strongly support and look forward to if Donald Trump is NOT re-elected:

A president who seeks to unite the country rather than divide it.

A president who seeks to encourage people rather than mock them.

A president who can acknowledge his imperfections rather than claim he can be called “the most perfect person.”

A president who seeks to protect the interests of our country and its citizens at all costs rather than his own personal and financial interests.

A president who exhibits sincere empathy for others, especially for those who have lost loved ones for any reason including those whose have lost loved ones during the pandemic and in wars on foreign soil.

A president who mobilizes all the resources of the federal government in response to a national emergency instead of saying, “No, I don’t take responsibility at all.”

A president who exhibits humility and compassion, rather than boasting constantly with statements such as, “I am a very stable genius,” or “My IQ is one of the highest and you all know it,” or “Nobody knows more than I do about (fill in the blank).”

A president who actually reads the Bible instead of using it as a prop when it suits him.

A president who constantly seeks to strengthen ties with our allies and honor our commitments around the world rather than undermine them.

A president who understands that what is written on the Statue of Liberty, “…Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, the tempest-tost [sic] to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door,” does not translate to building walls, separating families, and placing children in cages.

A president who is honored and respected around the world rather than disrespected internationally and used by hostile foreign powers to promote their interests.

A president who will not require a daily tally of lies, falsehoods and misleading statements (over 18,000 at last count).

Good News Hans!  Electing Joe Biden will achieve all these things both you(?) and I can look forward to.

Respectfully, Mike Warr

Disclaimer: The views and comments expressed are those of the writers of the Letters to the Editor and the OP-ED’s and not the Beacon Newspaper.

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