OP-ED: Oh Well, They Were Old

Evelyn Jarland

Photo by Jason Rosewell on Unsplash

I am greatly disturbed by the comment freely expressed by so many people regarding the Corona Virus death count and that is: “OH WELL, THEY WERE OLD AND HAD OTHER PROBLEMS ANYWAY.” So it is now OK to commit people to death due to not caring just because they had other conditions anyway and just because you find yourself untouchable to the condition and thus not take precautions? Well, you might be a carrier of this heinous virus and not knowing it contributing to the death of “JUST OLD AND SICK PEOPLE ANYWAY” population? Wake up, the young and infants, pets not excluded, are in danger also. So go and enjoy your life while it lasts after all, you are you are blessedly invincible.

Evelyn Jarland,
an “old” person still wanting to live

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