Rio Vista Lions Gives Four $1,000 Scholarships

Photo by Vasily Koloda on Unsplash

The Rio Vista Lions Club is pleased to announce that they have awarded four $1,000 scholarships to Rio Vista High School students.. They were pleased to add one additional scholarship to the normal three, as a generous Rio Vista resident donated $1,000 to the scholarship fund.

The recipients were:

  1. Zoe White..”Lawrence M. Pezzaglia Memorial Scholarship”. Ms. White intends to attend Butte Community College or Chico State University seeking a Bachelor of Science in Nursing.
  2. Caleb Eggers..”John Carlo Mori Memorial Scholarship”. Mr Eggers will be attending Colorado State University seeking a degree in Animal Science. His goal is to become a large animal veterinarian and return to practice in Northern California.
  3. Ms. Valerie Rodriguez.. “Phillip Sturdevant Memorial Scholarship”. Ms. Rodriguez will enroll at Sacramento State University to receive a degree in nursing. She will also study Child Development.
  4. Ms. Araceli Elisea.. “Board of Directors Scholarship”. Ms. Araceli will study Criminal Justice at Sacramento State University. She will also seek a secondary degree in Child Development.

The Rio Vista Lions Club wishes these outstanding students well in their future endeavors.