OP-ED: Donnie’s Enablers

By Warren Cook

Photo by Jason Rosewell on Unsplash

We can only speculate on how Donnie came up with “Obamagate”, his latest idea to divert attention from his real objective: making money off the government. It probably came to him while watching Fox in the early morning hours. We do know that Fox later asked Bradley Moss to explain Obamagate. He said Donnie seemed to be accusing Obama of ordering any investigation he wanted, just as Donnie does. Fox quickly cut to a pillow commercial. We don’t know if Donnie was watching. He does spend many hours a day watching TV.

Some say that many Republican leaders stay with Donnie out of fear. I think most stay because they have no problem with Fascism. There are some who have quit the party, whether you call it Republican or Fascist. There is a group called The Lincoln Project, made up of former Republicans which has aired the most devastating commercials, using Donnie’s own words and voice to point out his worst lies. Donnie sues to get them off the air. For the last 50 years Donnie has been threatening people with court suits to intimidate them. Banks started believing him when he kept up a court suit going for years against illegal Polish workers who were trying to get back wages.

Some former Republicans you may have heard of include Admiral William McRaven, Steve Schmidt, and Sully Sullenberger. McRaven, former Commander of US Special Ops, says the current assault on the free press is the greatest threat to democracy in his lifetime. Schmidt was McCain’s campaign manager in 2008. He says Donnie has made us weaker. Sully Sullenberger (miracle on the Hudson) said in a Wa Post Op-Ed that people around (Donnie) are cowardly, complicit enablers.

So many Donnie supporters wave the flag (American, Confederate, or Nazi) to proclaim their patriotism, but do not really believe in democracy or the Constitution. To me, Democracy means that more than white supremacists get to vote. Starting in 2010 there has been a concerted effort to discourage or not count the voices of non-Aryans. Consider gerrymandering: with the election in 2008 of an educated black man who could speak in whole sentences (unlike Donnie), they got scared. They started packing non-whites into the smallest election districts they could design. That is how they could win 64% of the statehouse seats with only 46% of the votes in Wisconsin. In Pennsylvania they could win 57% of the seats with 49% of the votes. Similar results in North Carolina, Michigan, Florida, etc.

Then there is the case of Texas, which has closed 750 polling stations since 2012. That includes 542 stations that have closed in fifty Texas counties that have risen in population by 2.5 million. Those extra people are obviously not Aryans.

These are just a few examples of the lengths the Fascist Party will go to keep control of the government. It remains to be seen whether Donnie will accept being booted out in November or get sent to Walter Reed.

Disclaimer: The views and comments expressed are those of the writers of the Letters to the Editor and the OP-ED’s and not the Beacon Newspaper.

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