OP-ED: Incompetence

By Hans Slade

Photo by Jason Rosewell on Unsplash

Consider our government’s shoddy track record on created programs and operations that were not listed in the Constitution. We are, after all, paying thousands of Civil Service bureaucrats to carry them out.

EDUCATION: American public schools today rank lower than many third word countries. The immense tax money spent could easily support superior, competitive private schools all across the country. Charter schools prove it every day.

AMTRAC: A rail system was built by the private sector unable to make a profit, now run by the government, requires heavy subsidies every year with a 75% on time record.

POSTAL SERVICE: Mail Costing Americans about the same as UPS but requires massive tax payer additional subsidies to stay afloat.

SOLAR/WIND POWER: Government jumping ahead of R&D, tax payers are subsidizing power sources that are growing and still uncompetitive.

MEDICARE: Requires huge tax payer subsidies to make it available for everyone. Loses Billions of dollars every year due to mismanagement, fraud and abuse. Government run (single payer) VA hospitals, until Trump took over were an ignored disgrace.

SOCIAL SECURITY: Since its conception, politicians piles on more welfare programs to a voluntary government run savings plan that was turned into a mandated social service program, to the point of insolvency. It is a shining example of why Socialism does not work.

Today our government is responding to a vicious pandemic. The handling of it will have a great effect on our economy and the next election. Require the facts on who did what and when because there is a lot of political misinformation.

Our president has been under attack by the left on literally every decision he has made. There is an ongoing attempted coup by a radicalized democrat party bent on regaining complete power. Their goal, a socialist take over.

Consider the long term track record of entrenched politicians who have long condoned all the poor performances above. Now look at the record of our duly elected President and all the good things that have occurred since his recent election. Despite the constant head winds his aggressive business sense is working at time when it has been most needed. Positive results always speak louder than negative rhetoric. Remember that at the polls.

History will be on Trump’s side, you should be too.

Disclaimer: The views and comments expressed are those of the writers of the Letters to the Editor and the OP-ED’s and not the Beacon Newspaper.

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